I'm putting it here

rancher hicks

Free Ranging
14 Years
Feb 28, 2009
Syracuse, NY
I have a question and I'm putting it here cuz I don't know where to put it.
What does everyone who hatches chicks do with them?

See I ask because I've hatched some CM's and posted them on craigs and the only hits I've gotten are frauds. I only just figured out they were frauds. The first came through and said, "hey how are you. why are you selling this so cheap. let me know real soon." The second was similar and I thought that's strange, the wording looks just like the other one. So I didn't respond and deleted them both. I had answered the first but got no reply back.

Do alot of people on this site have big farms?

Are alot of people butchering?

And eggs? How are people getting rid of the eggs?

I've been giving them away to friends in need and had some sales but not enough.

Anyhow I'd like to sell these chicks. What do people who sell chicks charge?
I normally keep those that I hatch out.
What do you mean by "big"?
I butcher the ones I don't need.
as for eggs I hit up friends and family first and get a clientel going. Maybe ask to post a notice at your local store.
I bought some mixed breed chicks from a lady, I paid $2.00 a chick. She had hers listed in the local paper.
What do I do with hatched chicks: Keep em.
Big Farm: Nope
Butchering: Yep
Eggs: Eat alot, give away alot, and gonna try to sell some once laying hits full swing since adding a bunch more hens.
How much to charge for chicks: Don't know, haven't tried to sell any yet.
I've hatched lots and lots of eggs over the course of building up some flocks of layers...the excess peeps I raised up to 6 weeks and sold them on craigslist for $15-20 each, or sold them as baby peeps for $5.

Baby roosters are free.
By big I mean, lots of land and big barn. Housing for more than 50 chickens.

I would've thought I could sell CM chicks pretty easily. I had to drive 5 hrs round trip to get my birds and paid $10 each. They were about a month old. Is $5 ea. to much?
I did sell some Dels for $2.50 each. I just don't want to hatch anymore if they aren't going to sell.
I sell 5 hens with 1 rooster, and advertise them as a starter flock. Also, I sell them at POL. After this hatch, I will be selling as straight-run chicks as its spring. We'll see how that goes.
For me it depends on the breed- most of my extra chicks are around 4 bucks. More for expensive ones like Ameracaunas. I post them on localsalesnetwrok- which is only TN & KY. I even got rid of all my extra roos that way. We have 40 acres, and house a little under 100 at a time- including babies that are in brooders, not coops.

I've had people come to pick up one breed, and put in an order for another. It was like that last year- I was selling orps, and everybody that saw them wanted sussex. This year everyone that comes by wants the giant cochins. I have an order for welsummers already for somebody that bought banty cochins. I guess you never know exactly what people are going to want.

ETA: if you have the room- Diversify!
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I expect your not to far from Amsterdam which is where I had to drive to, to get my stock. I posted for CM's and Dels here in Syracuse and only got people who wanted to sell me other breeds. Then I posted all over the state. I had to drive to Alden, NY for dels. Then again they were the only two who had what I wanted. I didn't even get any hits for Frizzles.
I just wondered as I see so many hatching 30-40 chicks at a time. I wondered what they are doing w/ them all.

Well I guess we'll have to see how it goes.
I usually go to BYC swaps and sell most of my unwanted chicks. There is a rush going on in Florida all the feed stores are starting their own swaps Seems like theres one every weekend. We pick and choose the ones we want to go to (depending on location reputation etc) Try posting in your area for swaps or start one of your own Its a great way to sell or trade your unwanted birds and meet fellow bycers as well

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