I'm Ready to Scream! Post #6 for more and graphic pictures post #8

i had a duck, Daisy, that lost an eye to a raccoon. she got along fine, i called her Daisy the One-Eyed Wonder. she just tilted her head while waddling around. unfortunately she died from another raccoon attack when my landlady flaked on closing up the coop at night. she's the owner of the foul, i just help out because they live in my yard. i often am the one to close up the coop, but during both of those attacks, i was out of town.

so sorry about the 4 other birds you recently lost.

What a stressful night
how's the pooch doing?? Is he okay too?
Nick is okay and back to normal, we aren't sure what triggered it though he has never had a seizure before. One thought was it was all the screaming and yelling going on.
The raccoon has taken to coming up on the deck, I can't shoot it when it's doing so because my 22 lacks the bottom part of the site. But it wondered over to the havaheart cage and I was hoping it was going to go in. But Blue Eyes, my one cat who is in her teens, was sitting by it and he went her way and she puffed up, hissed, and whacked him in the face! And he went running!
So Blue Eyes is now inside and the trap is still baited and waiting.
Glad you caught it...poor thing looks scared though. I have this love/ hate thing with predators...easy to feel bad for them if they are at least 3 miles away from me
Hope things are going better for you now!

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