I'm really getting curious about incubating...some basic newbie ?'s


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
Pilot Mountain, NC
Alright, so do all you experienced incubating people do this year 'round? I mean, more specific...over and through the winter? This is something I would really like to do with some of my children. I think it would be exceedingly neat and rewarding. I thought about just using a broody chicken, but as I read all the "recent posts" and read the excitement of different individuals incubating....I dont' know, it's just so exciting I feel like I have to try it! I have day olds comming today or tomorrow. So it would be later on before I would be able to even think about it. But probably the dead of winter. Do any of you incubate all year 'round?
I was wondering the same thing. We were thinking about waiting until spring, but now I'm not so sure... Also, does anyone have any advice on the type of bator to use??
I have just started incubating eggs myself, but from what I have read on this site, there are quite a few people that do use them in the winter. The biggest problems one would face, would be where to put the babies once they hatch, that would keep them warm enough. I don't know if I am going to use mine this winter. I cannot keep the chicks in the house for long, for they make me sick. And I don't really have any place else to keep them for a long time, other than on the porch in a box. I would like to keep going through the winter, but not sure I can. Hope someone else pipes in with their thoughts.
I have eggs in the hatcher and incubator now and more on the way. Right now we are getting into the low 60's at night. I will actually incubate as much as I can this fall/winter to get my breeds I need for laying and hatching next spring.
I do keep mine in brooders in the house until fully feathered. We will also be building a brooder/grow out coop and run outside this fall.
I will add heat lamps and put plastic up on the outside to keep them toasty.
I have hatched a lot in the cold months. Have to keep them indoors longer due to the cold and it takes a little longer getting them acclimated to being outside, but it works. I agree with lockedhearts that I would like to have several more breeds laying by spring too. So I'll likely continue hatching. I have a bator full right now.
I say hatch them whenever you want to, just will definately have to hatch them in a temperature controlled environment, big fluctuations in temperature doesnt bode well. you can get a little giant styrofoam bator for around forty bucks and an automatic egg turner,which i believe is a must for another 40, or you can build your own. not that complicated. gonna have to keep em warm under a light bulb in the garage or some place safe from predators and inclement weather,In the house is not an appropriate place for chickens.i say hatch them, and have fun!
Important info:

***Eggs take up to around 21 days, depending on delays/early hatches(they are determined on temp. If temp is pretty high most of the time, the eggs will hqtch early. If cooler, the egg will be delayed)

***On the 18th day of incubation, STOP turning eggs!!!

***You must turn eggs at least 3 times daily.(until day 18) The more the better.

***Temperature for bator: 98* F.

***Humidity % for bator(first 18 days): 40-50%

***Humidity % for hatching days(around 19th day+): 60-80%

***Max. temp. for bator: 105* F.
***Min. temp. for bator: 70*(they can have the temp. this low for a while but not for more than like aq week)

***Definition for pipping- Pipping is when a chick starts to peck at its shell.
***Def. for zipping- when the chick starts to "unzip" from the egg

Hope this helps!!!! Good luck!

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