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2300 FLAC albums on a hard drive. All records and CDs long gone.
Genelec studio monitors. 90db at 1.5 metres.:D

I prefer I Robot.
I stopped counting his CDs after 10,000. Idk how many records he has.

We had to insure his collection. It's worth far,far more than our house. It's bonkers.
I'll admit to having some obscure stuff, what when I say "obscure" i don't mean hidden gem from some star before they hit the big time, I mean the two studio CDs a couple of Renn Faire performers put together before they broke up and decided to never speak with one another again, or their signifcant others forced them to stop touring...

Heather Alexander before began he touring as Alexander James Adams, (I prefer his ealrier work as Heather, EXCEPT he does a number of songs counterparting his prior self. They are quite good as Renn fare). Minstrels of Mayhem. E Muzeki (if you like Instrumental violin/percussion)

That sort of stuff,
Two turntables (with USB cables so I can convert to digital and clean up the pops). Boxes of my wifes albums. Boxes more of CDs. and yes, I have Wierd Al's Greatest Hits. I also have more than just the Greatest Hits CD from the Kinks.

I can listen 24/7 for at least the next three weeks while awaiting test results (had to bring it back to topic somehow) without repeating a recording (I have multiple versions of some sonsgs), and without pulling out the albums.

Donated bookshelves worth of paperbacks before I moved - the local library basically doubled the size of their SciFi/Fantasy collection.

Some of it, I wouldn't be thrilled to listen to - so hopefully the results come back quickly.
I collect cassettes probably around 4000 now. Mostly cassingles. Have an old school rack system with eq. I love the crisp high fidelity sound of analog.
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