I'm sick to my stomach.

Chicken.Lytle :

B) Put a single pellet through it's head.

Either way, repeat. Repeat. Repeat. There is never just one.

I don't see why people are shooting coons with a 9mm and not killing them, and then somebody kills a cat in one shot with a pellet gun. I think you did a good job of shot placement. I always aim right between the eyes with my bow, and usually it does the job. I hate it when people go rambo on it with a 9mm and not even kill it.
If I read the post correctly, it is a cat her MIL has adopted, not a true stray; killing an animal that one's close relative considers their pet is likely to lead to a lot of family conflict. Also, the evidence does not sound like it was likely that the cat was the one who killed the birds. There is no point in killing something that is not the cause of the destruction. It has no affect on the situation, and can make things worse, not better.
Edited to removed quoted deleted post

OP~Good shot. Maybe there are other alternatives to ridding your property of preds. I would have done the same as you did, but with other options, might have considered it next time at least trying to take it to a shelter. Hindsight being what it is though...can't bring a dead cat back. I think you did what you felt necessary and applaud your efforts of keeping the chickens safe. Sorry for your losses though
That is really sad! Maybe fortifying the coop isn't a bad idea either if you can afford to get the materials. Best of luck to you regaining control of your flock and pred issues
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That is my thought.

I will second this, especially now that another is missing.
Hope that the live catch traps get the job done.

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