First To Hatch

11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
New York
Well I only have like two cortunix left something came to them at night pulled their heads out the wire and ate their heads, am I dealing with a weasel or what?
Sounds like a racoon. Sorry for your loss.
I don't think we have raccoons around where I live..... plus whatever it was it climbed up on the galvanized tray and grabbed it from the BOTTOM.
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possum or coon in my guesstimation. Sorry
Going through same thing myself.
Id almost be willing to bet its raccoons, they love to eat the heads of birds because of the protien in the brains. A couple years ago i had a coon wipe out almost 20 assorted ducklings while i was gone for a couple days. I live out in the wide open where the nearest wooded area or creek is about 3 miles away, at first i thought a hawk did it as i had an open top on the pen. One morning while going to work i went to check on the remaining ducklings and there was a coon in the tree in the pen eating the head on a duckling, i ran in the house to get the gun but it had taken off in the mean time. I spent a week trapping the area and ended up with THREE raccoons. I have only trapped one raccoon since then. I keep a pretty active trapping program around the house now and it seemed like things have stopped.

Sounds like you need smaller wire, i assume you have 1" wire?
i went through the same thing a couple of years ago with baby duck. They would reach in and pull them through the chicken wire. Well this year we decided to get baby chicks and decided we werent going to go through that again, so my husband build out run out of the real thick rabbit wire. You cant get your pinky finger in the wholes. Its only 1' X 1/2". The only thing able to get through is a fly! The top/roof is the same way. Its such a relief.
yes would bet a coon, they will eat the legs off of birds from under the wire bottom pens.

Raccoons live in most city also, all northeastern state.

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