I'm so bored that...

Awesome Idea! Im so bored that Im ready to go to school!
Haha ikr? I hate heat.
I'm so bored that I want to draw a mustache on my cousin's face while he's sleeping.

I don't mind the heat. I just don't like walking in it. The park is a mile away from my house, so it's too far to walk when it's hot.

I'm so bored that I am sitting on my couch doing pretty much nothing.
I don't mind the heat. I just don't like walking in it. The park is a mile away from my house, so it's too far to walk when it's hot.

I'm so bored that I am sitting on my couch doing pretty much nothing.
Oh that's far haha. The park I normally go to is really close to us.
I'm so bored that I'm looking for a marker to draw a mustache on my cousin's face.

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