Im so confused.....Would a rooster try to mount another rooster?


14 Years
May 6, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, EB
Is this a way of showing dominance? Roo has always been after Chickie. I just learned Chickie is most likely a Im wondering. Chickie has never tried to mount Roo and instead flees from him when he tries. Chickie is much faster so she usually gets away. The other day she was trapped in the pen when they first got off the roost and so Roo was successful catching her in the corner. Any ideas what is going on here??????????
Dominance, desperation, confusion or just plan ole teenager hormones.

Some roosters will pretty much go after anything that doesn't escape. Others are very, very laid back and submissive.

That's how I have two roosters living in harmony - first they have plenty of girls to go around, and secondly, one is a silkie - very laid back and not the least aggressive, and the other is a standard australorp. He's not aggressive either, but definately more so than Dusky.
My roos mount each other ALL the time except for Nugget and Blue. The others even go after the ducks or Pudster,,, Pudster doesn't think much of being woken up by an amorous rooster....
Yep. Dominance. One of our chicks wants to mount everyone else.He(?) also is the first to any treats(though he doesnt chase others off) and always in the forefront.

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