IM SO MAD!!!! do i have a right to be????

Oh come on, you can't control where cats go that easily, they are sneaky creatures. Besides, that's free fertilizer!

I'll get my fertilizer another way, thanks very much!
It's not your fault, it's the owner of the dogs fault. Anyone who spoke to any of my children like that would not be counted as a friend any longer if that was me. Yes, a fence would be helpful, but a dog can usually go over or under if determined. I would call animal control, and tell your other neighbor not to speak to your kids any more if she can't act like an adult.
i would report her dog to the dog is your property!!!!...really you can do what you want on your property!...
the dog had no right to come in your yard and kill your chicks....what if it had been your son who was bit??? think
it would have been his fault because he was out side????.....the dog had no right to be in your yard!
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Some people are alive because it is illegal to shoot them.

Pretty much everyone is just saying what's already been said, but this is a great quote! Reminds me of a birthday card of Maxine: Good news, people are living longer than ever. Bad news: We don't get to pick which ones.
Some people are alive because it is illegal to shoot them.

Pretty much everyone is just saying what's already been said, but this is a great quote! Reminds me of a birthday card of Maxine: Good news, people are living longer than ever. Bad news: We don't get to pick which ones.

If that was my child they would be hiding in the house or looking for a new place to live. That is the chicken poop mentality most adults have. I would of put the fear of GOD in his/hers mind. The chicken would no longer be an issue. It really blisters me and its not my child.

You need to do something about this promptly. Notify officials like what others have suggested. Write the woman letter letting her know that you're going to "dispatch" the dog if it comes back.

Where I am, I can shoot whatever I like if it comes on my property and a close-ish neighbor who dislikes me lets his darn beagle run all over the place in my yard and even keeps me up at night. I got a BB gun and I shoot the little ass every time it's on my property. And you know what? He can't do anything about it.

If you get a BB gun (or any other gun, I'm all for that, too!) get a quick picture of the dog in your yard then fire away. This way you have definite proof that it was in your yard and she can't come up with some story about how a crazy woman with a gun walked in her yard and shot her dog. She sounds like the type who will try to pull something like that. So a quick picture then BOOM!

If it hurts my babies on my property, it's dead.
BB gun is not a good. Generally there less problems if you shoot and kill if the law allows such. Using a BB gun can be deemed as 'animal abuse.' Silly, I agree, but just the way it can be spun.
My dear Beagle, who passed on last year, was the best dog ever... but she hated chickens. The only reason I am the proud owner of a flock of chickens is because she passed and I am able to do that.

I kept my chicken hating beagle in our yard with a buried fence and shock collar. She managed to trick the system two times in her 9 years on this earth and had a very nice time in her travels.

As her owner, I would have fallen all over myself apologizing and offered to replace anything she had killed or destroyed when she got lose.

You should have never had to find out second hand what happened to your chickens. The owner knew what the dog had done and probably even where. She should have been knocking on all neighborhood doors to see if that neighbor was missing their chicken.

I think what I find repulsive is the dog owner attitude towards it all. Yes, dogs will get lose and yes, they will kill neighborhood chickens. What is wrong is the dog owner taking no responsibility.

It is your yard, your home and your property! Defend it if you need to. (If it wasn't illegal to shoot a hawk, there would be a dead one in my yard right now after it took one of my baby chicks-- at least you have someone to be angry at besides yourself!)
The woman is definitely out of line, especially her encounter with the child, but I don't know if I agree with shooting it the next time you see it. I mean, let me rephrase, I do agree but perhaps you should give the woman a verbal warning. Let her know that in the eyes of the law her pet is no better than your pets(which it isn't) and that you are within your rights to eliminate a threat, including her dog. It's easy to get defensive and angry when you are wrong. I am sure if the woman was sorry and apologetic you would have most likely forgiven her but people don't always act as they should. When I had a dog I loved it to death, and if it did that and someone told me they were going to shoot to kill him if he went back for it again, you bet I would take extreme measures to ensure it didn't happen again. But there's always the possibility she gets extra defensive and extra angry and wants to wage all out war. I agree with the other posters you must be persistent, don't let it go, try and be civil and see if she will let up, if not contact legal help.

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