I'm so proud of myself


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 16, 2008
Berkeley Springs, WV
. . . our girls have been terrorized over the last month or so. We lost 6 chickens to a killer raccoon, including a brand new white silkie that was aparently pulled through the one small area of 2 x4 wielded wire that I missed fortifying with hardware cloth. (all we found were her white feathers on the inside of the coop)

Well, my brother set up a trap on thursday. Nothing thursday night, nothing friday night. He had to leave saturday and wouldn't you know it . . . we got the thing saturday night/sunday morning. My dad (who's almost 80) tried to shoot it but kept missing, so I stepped up and did what had to be done and shot the thing.

I've never killed anything in my life . . . in fact I hate guns in general, but I just couldn't let it keep decimating my chickens, who look to me for protection.

I'm so proud of myself that I was able to do what needed to be done, although I cried for about a minute after I killed the thing, and my hands were shaking like a leaf! Girl Power!

Does anyone happen to know if raccoons live in pairs? Should I be expecting to catch more of them, or will it take a while for other coons to move in on the dead one's territory? Just like to know what to expect!
Coons usually mate, then the sow (female) raises the pups for a while. They can have fairly large litters. The boar (male) roams more, and I believe mates again.

In any event, if you're not right in a city or town and you've gotten one coon, you may well get another.

You did the right thing. The coon would have kept coming back, and coming back. They're incredible clever in getting in places where you think they can't. They can tear though chicken wire like it's confetti, and are VERY tough.

And, as many have found, if you're not totally grossed out by the thought, they're pretty good in a crockpot with some smoky BBQ sauce (but it's a total pain to clean them).

Sorry if I just grossed you out).
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mothers teach their babies and there can be tons in one area. I would still set that trap and congrats to you.

I am going to learn to shoot this year. I tried it about 23 years ago and 2 of my 7 brothers thought it would be a joke to teach me to shoot a shot gun and instructed me to hold it about a foot from my shoulder. Yup I was threw about 20 feet backwards and was bruised for a month from head to toe and have never touched a gun again. However with the relocation of the wolf ya can't step out your door here so I will be learning to shoot at the local gun range. j

Congrats again job well done.
Well, you did the correct thing. I dunno if I'd go so far as to call it "girl power,"
but then, I'm more the pragmatic type. You got the deed done - that's what it's all about. Let's call it good enough, then.

When you take chickens in, you take in the responsibilities that go with them. This includes dispatching predators, when needed.

Ugly? Yes, it can be. But imagine if you only wrung your hands and worried. It's you or them in the real world.

You took a great step forward in your development.
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Congratulations! I have a trap set for predators myself. So far no luck.

Good for you for getting revenge on the death of your babies.
the "girl power" comment was just my way of saying how proud I was of myself for being able to shoot the coon, given the fact that I can't watch a nature program without crying!!

But as everyone says, these chickens are now my family and the thought of what that coon (or possible those coons) did to my girls makes me sick! We have the trap set again, and will probably keep setting it for forseeable future but I just pray that it was the "one and only" coon around. Wishful thinking I know, since we are in the mountains of West Virginia.

Hopefully next time, my brother will be around to dispatch the next coon. But if not, I now know that I have the backbone to do what needs to be done. And truthfully that is a good feeling!

I dont think I could even do that... maybe if it were one of my kids.. it were attacking but instead I would make my husband do it LOL
the "girl power" comment was just my way of saying how proud I was of myself for being able to shoot the coon, given the fact that I can't watch a nature program without crying!!

I now know that I have the backbone to do what needs to be done. And truthfully that is a good feeling!

Now that was well said!! I appreciate you didnt get all testy over the way I made my comments,too. Thank you.

Great steps have been taken, indeed.​
elderoo - thanks for the cudos! I totally got your meaning about my "girl power" comment, so there was no need to get testy:)

I just need to explain myself better, lol.

Absolutely be proud of yourself! Job well done.

I have hunted for years and still feel a moment of remorse after the kill. I feel really bad killing something sitting in a trap--doesn't seem very sporting. But, I tell myself if I'm going to set the trap, it's doesn't seem very smart not to totally eliminate the problem. I have too much invested in my livestock to feed coons and possums, etc.

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