I'm so sad I just need to vent

'Tis the time for roasting I'm afraid... I fried 5 Silkie chicks the other day just as they started to pip! Well I didn't fry them persay, by super duper LG shorted out and fried them for me.

If you raise chickens long enough, things like this happen.
Huny, I am so sorry for you loss! Ditto to everything Spook said!

Life is a learning experience, sometimes we learn the hard way. We've all been there, and if someone hasn't, they will be sooner or later!
awww how sad sorry out ur loss
I'm so sorry. Give yourself permission to grieve and know that all of us have made mistakes. I tried to incubate button quail eggs in a Hovabator many eons ago. I ended up cooking them. I felt sooo bad, especially since some of the eggs showed development.


Thanks everyone. I didn't think it was a problem because this was the same lamp I have had on the 3 week old chicks since day one. But the box was smaller and I think it was just that much closer.

This certinally has been a learning experience. I think I have had some die of every possible cause. I had non-fertile, quitters, a few stop at day 14, 5 eggs that are just sitting there. I just had two die in shell after pipping, 1 die after coming out of the shell, and I have one that is still hanging on after being born to early, and one that looks fine until it starts tilting its head up, Up UP to a weird angle and then flips over on its back (anyone know what this is?).

I have 2 or 3 that will be good out of starting with 36, and having 20 good at day 10.
There is a sharp learning curve when it comes to incubating, and everyone goes through what you are describing, I could give an "amen" to every one of yours, plus add in crippled chicks from wrong temps and humidity, putting the brooder where I thought a dog could NEVER reach it, having one drown in the waterer, prolapsed intestines at three days old, pulling them out of the shell too soon, dropping an incubator full of eggs three feet onto the floor while trying to move it with a hurt wrist, faulty turner not working and wasting another incubator full, temp spikes up to 108 killing another bator full, you name it, I done it... you are in good company. Keep on trying and you will figure it out.
Well now if your looking for encouragement you've come to the right place. Don't beat yourself up to badly you must remember there are others who need you to keep on trying. Chin up, nothing can hold you back like a heavy pity bag. You can do it. How do I know because you care that's why! Because I believe you want to succeed, that's why! Have a good cry, say a prayer and keep going.

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