I'm stumped 2 chickens have died in 5 weeks

THANK YOU!! I'm glad its only a bug vent!! Looks are deceiving!SORRY!!!
I'm just so thankful for any suggestions, thoughts, ideas, double checks, I don't mind you being fooled by a blurry photo ❤ I've gotten so doggone attached to these little buggers, it's crazy. I just want to do good for them and if I'm doing anything wrong I want to correct it.
I'm just so thankful for any suggestions, thoughts, ideas, double checks, I don't mind you being fooled by a blurry photo ❤ I've gotten so doggone attached to these little buggers, it's crazy. I just want to do good for them and if I'm doing anything wrong I want to correct it.
I sure hope you find out whats wrong!I know you love those girls!
No changes in the flock, Grump Grumps still looks like she's not liking the cold, she looks to have all her feathers back in but she was molting a few weeks ago. She jumped up on my leg today for a selfie. Crazy Eyes seemed a little more interested in getting some scrambled eggs and wetted layer feed today. She acts like she doesn't want to drink water, when I put the fresh corid water in the coop today she went over and kinda hesitated then after looking at the water for a bit she dipped her beak but then shook her head and walked off. I gave her a Corid dose orally and about 3 ml of water through the syringe too. Her crop seems less gritty today and she was over pecking at my pant legs.

I have one BA who is doing a small molt around her neck so she's ragged looking and more pale, everyone else looks healthy and normal.

The close ups if the RIR are Crazy Eyes, Flufferkins is the BA in the middle of the 3 BAs, then Grump Grumps because she was looking cute.


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This morning Crazy Eyes' crop is soft, it still has something in it, maybe 2 tbsp volume today, but it's no longer hard and gritty. Is there any chance it's impacted? Instead of her over eating on top of an impacted crop, is she not eating and therefore her crop is small? Should I syringe her another couple cc's of fluids today? She's down to nothing weight-wise.
The crop doesn’t sound impacted if it is soft, but may be slow to empty.i would keep trying to give her water and offer food—mushy wet feed, egg, and sprinkle some crumbles to get her attention. Are you giving Corid?
The crop doesn’t sound impacted if it is soft, but may be slow to empty.i would keep trying to give her water and offer food—mushy wet feed, egg, and sprinkle some crumbles to get her attention. Are you giving Corid?
Today is day #3 for Corid, since she wasn't drinking I syringed a dose into her last night. I have been doing wet layer feed 4 to 5 days a week since she's been looking off, it's the only way she'll attempt to eat. Yesterday I scrambled 2 eggs and used that with a bunch of water to make their mash, she's really into the scrambled eggs but even when I had her by herself she'll only eat a little of them, then she's done.

Everyone loves the wet food, I'm assuming from the cold, the flocks appetites were down, but they sure go nuts for some wet layer pellets and gobble them up.
I just got about 1.5ml of water into Crazy Eyes, her crop seems normal tonight but nearly empty. I checked her for the 50th time for any external parasites and I noticed she has some feathers just starting in. I hadn't noticed she was molting, there are barely any red feathers around, I know two of my EE's and one BA are molting and have been for a few weeks, but not as hard as some of my hens.

Is it possible that Crazy Eyes is acting like she's going through a hard molt even though it's a super light one and therefore puffed up and not eating? I'm attaching photos of her little pointy pins coming in, and where Grump Grumps the EE is in her molt, she's been looking cold and grumpy ever since it got cold.

This would explain her, but not the two I lost. The first one was wasn't feeling well and I noticed her comb was pale when I set her back on the roost, maybe egg bound for a few days and I missed it because I never was home during daylight?


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