I'm stumped: treats for 1 week old chicks

mine are they same
ive tried every thing people say like carrots or eggs but they never like it. their are only a few things mine go crazy for and those are strawberries, which they wil chase each other around for hours ( i think they like it because they are red), and a big clump of dirt
There is something very cute about little chickies enjoying a wedge of watermelon. Its 90 degreees right now in mid michigan and the babies seem so appreciative for the cool sweetness!
Chicks don't care about treats nearly as much as we humans think they should.

You can offer small amounts of things like grain based food, veggies, greens, etc, as well as letting them forage, but they really only need water, feed, and forage, so they can get the veggies, greens, buggies, etc. Treats are for us, not for them-- really..
At a week old, especially, they can only handle the smallest sized food and bits of stuff. I woudln't try peanut butter at all for any reason-- I dont know that they'd ever get peanut butter in nature.... Give them time to get used to eating their chick starter, then offer some veggies if you feel the need to offer treats.

Chickens aren't aware that cooked scrambled eggs and boiled eggs are "eggs". If you give them raw eggs, they may develop a liking for their own eggs-- but in the hen house, they usually don't have access to a stove and frying pan, so cooked eggs are safe, and very good for them.

I waited until they were two weeks old so they had a good beginning with their chick starter before I gave a little (emphasize LITTLE) treat. Their first? Plain organic yogurt! They never hesitated and pecked every single drop off my finger
. A few days later I tried Cheerios broken in half. They got all excited and grabbed them but after running around with them they would drop theirs and look to grab another. To them it was a game--they didn't know they could it them
. I got organic rolled oats and would let them have a couple each which they liked too. Not one--even the greedy "grab whatever it is and check it out later" Barred Rock--would eat applesauce
. Tomorrow I am buying them mealworms
. I only give treats every few days to keep them running to me as the feed is nutritionally complete and I want it to be 95-99% of their diet right now. I also give them chick grit three times a week which they eat a little but not much.

Absolutely love our 5 week old girls

Yeah, what she said. A chickens brain is very small. There is no way they can make the connection between those tasty treats (scrambled or hard boiled eggs) and the things they leave in the nestbox.

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