I'm traumatized. (graphic)


12 Years
Nov 16, 2007
Southern Indiana
I've never killed a chicken before. Yesterday I decided to do the first of the RIR roosters that needed culling, because they were attacking the other birds. I geared up, and went out to snap a neck or two and get it over with. I've read all over that you just snap it like a towel. That sounds easy enough, right?

First, the bird flapped around, rolled it's little eyes back, and screamed. Not dead. I panic, snap at it again, still not dead. I started crying at this point. As a last resort, I grabbed a broom and tried the handle-on-the-neck thing.
And it's head came off.

It was still flapping, still kicking, still trying to squawk. I screamed, and started crying more, and hyperventilated
After calling the roommate and The Man, they both calmed me down a little, and the roomie gave me a Xanax when I got home

So what the h*ll. HOW am I supposed to do this? I can't even go back out to the coop right now, let alone touch a chicken. I had nightmares about the little head coming off last night. I can't go through life afraid to kill a chicken- i'll be overrun. But at the same time, that was a really horrible way for the poor thing to go

I was trying to make it as humane as possible with the neck snapping and it didn't work. I still want to throw up when I think about it. Last night I felt like the biggest piece of crap on the planet.

Someone tell me something to make me feel better
I am so sorry it was a bad experience. The all flap around when killed but they don't feel anything. I think the cones would be best because it contains the chicken so it doesn't flop around as bad. Maybe you should have someone to help you next time.

I know this isn't comforting but I don't know what else to say.

Well to make you feel better, be glad you have these emotions about the chickens, it means you still have a heart and still care. However, it is usually part of caring for chickens to need to dispatch one or few from time to time.

However, there are better ways to do it. The route you chose has been used and I'm sure works for some, but if your not experienced in this, try a simpler method. Perhaps the two nails on a board, place the chikens head between the nails, pull taunt and a sharp axe or hatchet does a nice painles job, the right way teh first time. Les trauma for teh chicken and for you.

Good luck
We definitely don't think that's the best way to kill a chicken! A chicken butchering cone is the most humane, easiest and cleanest way to do this.
This is how it works:
A holding (butchering) cone is especially designed for this purpose. The large end of the cone is slipped over the chicken until its head protrudes from the small end. Pick up the chicken holding it in the cone and turn it upside down. (The chicken will start to relax and almost go into a "sleep" type state.) (The cone can also be attached to the outside wall of an outbuilding, so you don't have to hold it while it is draining.) Cut the chicken’s throat from jaw hinge to jaw hinge without severing the spinal cord. Severing the spinal cord reduces bleeding leaving blood in the meat. The chicken will quickly bleed out while the cone prevents the bird from flopping about as a nerve reaction.
I know this is specifically for butchering, but works well for culling also.
Maybe this will help for next time.
Amy J.
I found a nice farmer that will take any rooster i need removed. I suggest maybe looking for a farmer in your area that might do the same for you. Its just not worth putting yourself through that again.
Oh, I'm so sorry!

Killing an animal for whatever reason is always a bit traumatic, but your story is just gut-wrenching.

I use the nails on a board and a sharp hatchet. I got a good tip last week to use a gallon milk jug to secure the wings to the body to make it easy for one person to do. Cut the top and bottom out of the jug and slide the chicken in so it's head sticks out the top.

One or two quick strokes of the hatchet does the trick...

Sorry you had to go through this - others have told me to use the neck wriging method, but I'm not sure enough of my technique to try it...
That is so hard to do. My son did that for me when we had a very mean roo last summer~I couldn't even give him away free. It was no fun for either of us watching a living thing die that you cared for from the beginning, but...we couldn't keep him.

He's now buried deeply "out-back." So long Mr. Mazer....
Wow I admire your bravery to attempt such a thing. I agree with Lurky...maybe you can find a farmer. However, there are good tips on here, and your strength of courage will get you through if you decide to keep at it. Good Luck!
I am so sorry that you had such a bad time.

I agree with the guys above. Next time if you do not think you can kill another one, then find someone to take it. I live in a rural area and people are always looking to buy or take a chicken or two that someone else does not want. Check with your local animal control. They may be able to tell you about a farm or home for your birds that need to be culled.

Again, so sorry for the pain you are having because of this experience.

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