Immediate help for one of my Flocks Needed.


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
My hens have been vaccinated for coccidia. They are 7 months old. They all were healthy up until about 2 months ago. I noticed one with blood by its vent. I took her to the vet and he prescribed baytril at a dose of 0.5 ml once per week claiming that it is a very powerful drug that should kill anything. He did not know what specifically was wrong. He also took a stool sample and nothing came back abnormal. A month later "her vent area exploded" . It was horrible. Today, another chicken "exploded". Something is terribly wrong and I need help. Has anyone experienced this and can you provide me with direction?

I have another coop with older chickens and they are fine.I have never experience this problem before and I don't know how they got this disease or how to prevent it. They eat the same feed and I provide the same water source for them. The coops are about 50' apart.

Thank You,

Thank you for your information, but I think it is a different problem. It's not simply red around the vent area, it is very bloody. It is actually as though her insides explode. The first one affected in this coop was 7 months. The hen that was affected today is nearly two years old and was laying fine. I moved her to the same flock about 3 months ago because she was being picked on. She was healthy and the others in the new coop at the time were too. They are eating and drinking and are alert. Do you have any more thoughts or suggestions?

My father in law raised chickens when he was a boy and then when he was younger but adult.

He said to me once that a few times he found the insides of the chicken in a trail, then he found the chicken dead at the end of the trail, as though the insides had come out little by little. Unfortunately this story doesn't help you- sorry I can't help more!

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