IMP! You are sooo busted!

That's how Random Rambling BYCers are.
Gritsar, with an axe or any sharp object, is not a laughing matter, nor is it a source of comedy. Tis to be taken very, VERY seriously. Be afraid, be very afraid....... for Gritsy.

Impy? Run like heck! Or you will turned a disgusting shade of pretty in pink, made fluffy and frou-frou and debased, upbased, outbased, inbased, on based, off based, unbased, downbased and possibly just based! Do not try to steal a base on Impy, the eyes see all, despite the pink contacts, whick are now gone anyway.

I am personally far more afraid of the Impster than I am of Gritsar, despite her two GSDs that make my dogs cringe and her DH is is Top Dog LEO in my book!

sheesh, overactive imagination has been shifted into gear..............

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