Impacted crop/will she be ok


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 15, 2012
Rhode Island
So about four days ago, I noticed that one of my RIR was constantly fluffing her feathers, and not moving around as much. I thought it might be bacause of the colder weather that has begun to arrive. Yesterday I noticed she was still doing this, and being lethargic, so I picked her up and noticed what I think is an impacted crop. I tried massaging it today, and will continue to. I read that maggots will clear out the crop. I ordered some online today, express delivery, so hopefully they will be here within 1 or 2 days. Do you guys think my chicken will hold on for a couple more days, till the maggots come in?I fed her some watery oatmeal today. She does not seem to be in pain, she is just very lethargic. I feel horrible, as she is usually the one running around like a maniac.
I don't have any experience with giving maggots for treatment of impacted crop, so I won't comment on that. What works for me when my chicken has crop impaction is to massage the crop to break up the impaction, and to guide the material through the opening in the back of the crop. I've had great success with this as long as the impaction is caught in time. You might have to do this several times each day until the impaction breaks up. If this does not work initially, you might try giving her some olive oil prior to massaging, either with a dropper or on a small piece of bread. You might want to try this while you are waiting for your shipment - this alone may clear it up. Here is a link to a thread with further details (see post #2).

I'm assuming you're sure your chicken's crop is impacted? When you feel her crop in the morning before she has eaten, do you feel a hard lump the size of a golf ball or larger, to one side of her chest?
Thank you for the reply. Yes, it feels like a golf ball, but her feathers are constantly puffed out now, is that something that they do when this happens? She also allwos me to pick her up easily, which she normally doesnt do.
Yes, my hen acts the same way when she starts having crop issues - decreased appetite and standing around looking sluggish with puffed up feathers. When I see her act this way I know to check her crop, and so far I've had luck with the procedure I mentioned earlier.
how long do you massage her for each time? Mine is letting me do it for a couple minutes, then she starts getting agitated
The time varies. I try to massage until I feel it breaking up if I can. Sometimes I just hold onto her even though she is getting agitated because I know it's best for her. Have you been able to get the lump to break up at all?
I think it broke up a little bit this last time. Shortly after I did it, she was definitley moving around with my other chickens, where as before she wasjust sitting in the corner of my yard. I will do it a couple more times befoe I go to work. Thank you so much for your responses
I think it broke up a little bit this last time. Shortly after I did it, she was definitley moving around with my other chickens, where as before she wasjust sitting in the corner of my yard. I will do it a couple more times befoe I go to work. Thank you so much for your responses

Sounds like you're making progress. Keep up the good work :)

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