Impacted croup... byc help needed! asap!

Hi all... I'm looking for more answers still.. after I wormed her yesterday I thought she was doing to pass she got very weak & in fact was not able to stand.. she lost all color in her face & comb... I thought there was no way she was going to make it through the night... but she did! & now through most the day... I have been reading & looking for more information but I think I'm doing all I can.
I am feeding her the hand raising formula.. via syringe 3-4 times a day.... it is almost 24 hrs since she was wormed.. no more worms in her poop... & almost 24 hrs since I started her on formula... with little improvement other than the color came back. she can not she is to weak.... & is just a rack of bones... her Brest bone sticks out so much it makes me ill for her.
I need a few words of guidance here....
How long can a hen be off her feet for?
should I try monastat too??

My poor girl... it seems she may be suffering...
I have a sick rooster that weighs about 1kg and he gets tube fed 30-60ml of fluids or baby bird food mixed w/ Pedialyte at least four times a day. Sometimes I'll also give him a couple of ml of corn syrup.

How much are you feeding her?
Some birds 'give up' when they feel really bad. I think you should focus on some high nutrition in porky amounts and stop trying to poison her system now that she is so weak. Food and Water, and mabe some warm lap time infront of TV if you do that . A chill will take down a poor hen as fast as anything else when they are vulnerable. Offer an eydropper of some liquidy foodstuff every few minutes on your lap. Some say to add a bit of sugar to runny food, but I wouldn't over doo it, tends to make the runs, and that goes the wrong way with electrolites. Chickens have a high metabolism, so they have to eat and drink often, (constantly) to stay well. I wish you luck...
I have a sick rooster that weighs about 1kg and he gets tube fed 30-60ml of fluids or baby bird food mixed w/ Pedialyte at least four times a day. Sometimes I'll also give him a couple of ml of corn syrup.

How much are you feeding her?

I don't own a scale.. I'm going to have to get 1 tomorrow if she pulls through the night. she weighs nothing really. maybe a lb if she is lucky!
I'm giving her only 20-30 ml or until her croup is full, of bird formula mixed with chicken electros as soon as I feel her croup is soft its about every 3-4 hrs, 6 hrs through the night BUT her croup is filling with air when I feed her. & than I have to massage to kinda burp her... which seems to hurt her...
I am not tube feeding her right now as my vet said to syringe feed as long as she was strong enough... so i have been feeding via syringe
I'm very scared to stick a tube down her throat!
as for the worms when I spoke to the vet about it he said the only worm it wouldnt kill is tape... all others would be killed... having said that there are no studdies in Chickens..
I will worm her again with something different next time... to get anything else..
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When I was tube feeding, the crop would feel kinda loose / empty.

I was reading that sour crop could cause gasses to accumulate in the crop. Do the burps smell bad?
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Try sticking *just* the tube in, you'll be able to feel it on the right side of her neck and at the bottom of her crop. Then think about the 2-3 minutes it will take instead of however long it takes to dribble it in her mouth.
Once that tube passes the glottis (that little flap at the beginning of the bird's respiratory system, at the back of the throat), 2 inches past it is good enough on a standard breed chicken. My concern was always going too far and rupturing the crop. Like Casport said, the right side of the bird's throat is where the tube will naturally follow upon easy, steady insertion. I was nervous before the first time I did it until I found out how easy the process was. If you have the right size feeding tube, it should be much easier than the soft, rubber aquarium hose I used in the past. I hope your bird starts getting back to health.
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Hi all... My beautiful Ariee didn't make it...
She pooped & then everything I had fed her just came right back up, she was barely able to open her eyes following that, she was suffering, the hardest choice ever to make.. But I loved her so it was the kindest.
I had to put her down last night, she was to far gone, she needed more help faster.
Being new to chickens & illness it's the worst learning curve ever!
Not an enjoyable situation.
Thank you all for your words of help, people responding when others are in need of help is what saves our feather babies
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