~~Important Clarification PSA~~

Luckily, two of our very own BYC members specialize in them: @jwehl and @OneHappyRooster
whoah what?

Happy's prices are higher, though.

I love their eggs too! Here is a pic of three of their eggs!
View attachment 2488292
is that... SEEDS i see in the eggs?


these ones are crosses. perhaps the cochin x ameraucannananana, but male, because they have no feathers

This is the roo version...
View attachment 2488306
is this like a turtle?

All chickens are autosexing. If it has feet it's a cockerel.
what about legs but no feet? or feet but no legs

They do best when put on mini skateboards
how about shopping carts?

Feathered feet = no feet
wait WHAT
whoah what?


is that... SEEDS i see in the eggs?


these ones are crosses. perhaps the cochin x ameraucannananana, but male, because they have no feathers

is this like a turtle?

what about legs but no feet? or feet but no legs

how about shopping carts?

wait WHAT
No those are yolks! You didn't know that americananananas hatch in groups of three from one egg?

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