Impossible!! (?) – verified – one chicken 2 eggs - about 8 hours apart


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Salt Lake Valley
"Checkers" gets picked on. She's been in the 'chicken hospital' for several weeks. Every time we try to put her in with her 10 sisters, they pick on her. First her foot, and the last time it was her comb.

We have 4 EE chickens that are about 4 months younger than the 11 sisters are. We're getting tired of Checkers being in the 'hospital' all alone, and are going to try to put her with the 4 EE'ers.

So, this morning I moved the hospital next to the tractor with the 4 EE'er chickens, to get them used to each other. I'll try to put them together in a week or so.

I checked the 'hospital' at 3 or 4 pm before we went out tonight. I came back tonight at 10:30 pm, to tuck everyone in for the night and there were 2 eggs in the hospital with Checkers!! - She's the only chicken in there, and there absolutely was not an egg in the pen when I left. (Because I looked really hard and was disappointed that I hadn't gotten Checkers' egg for today. I thought, 'what's wrong with you bird, give it up!')

Of the two eggs, one had a weird bulls eye design on it, and the other had a very soft, pliable shell. It wasn't shell-less or mush, and I was able to pick it up.

I thought that chickens only laid one egg a day.

Anything wrong with my bird?

Are the 1st egg (and even the 2nd?) ok to eat?

Anyone else have this “problem…”

Someone (smarter than me) tell me what's up with Checkers!

It's possible. I've twice gotten 5 eggs from 4 hens. I don't think you need to worry. Some people will eat the soft egg, I don't. You could cook it and feed it back to the chickens.


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