In a pickle


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
Hi, I'm Cassie and I've had chickens and other odd and in birds for almost 2 years. I have 2 sons that absolutely love them all! Recently, we had city police come to our door demanding that because we were in city limits that we had to get rid of all of our birds. I have many babies soon leaving their brooder. I need some sort of loop hole. We are renters and our landlord is happy with our critters, so we just need to know what to do now.
Sounds like some neighbor turned you in. Do you have a plan b, somewhere you can stash the birds out of the "restricted" zone? I don't think you will find a loophole. Was it a REAL policeman - sometimes people have a friend or relative who is a cop - make a visit that wasn't authorized., because your fright is real.

Do you have an animal control unit? It seems to me, they would be the ones to come around to see you.
It was city officers. They came out 3 times to make sure - each time different officers. My local zoning head couldn't tell me how I was zoned or how to be rezoned. But I was the only person to be visited, there are MANY people near by with livestock and chickens and continue to keep them.
great to have you joining the BYC flock

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Welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry should you have to get rid of your birds! I can't imagine someone telling me I have to get rid of my babies. You might want to stop by this section of BYC, Local Chicken Laws and How To Change Them. Maybe you can get help here and figure out how to get your laws changed...

I am really sorry and I surely hope you can keep your beloved birds.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about the problems with the city, X2 on check out the Laws forum for ideas, good luck getting the Ordinances changed.

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