"In between" pens (after brooder, before coop)


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
We have 9 two month old hens, and our coop isn't done yet. They're still in a cage in our garage. I'm wanting to build something temporary for them until the coop and run is done....but I have nothing in the building skills department, and I'm wondering if some of you can share some ideas with me (photos?) if you happen to be in the same boat. I'm wanting to move them into our barn, but I still need to make something for them....put them in a stall perhaps, but need to keep them safe from the barn cat and from getting out between the bars on top. (horse stalls). The dust and feathers in my garage is just getting to be too much. Can anyone share what they have? Thank you!

A stall should be very simple to turn into a coop for chickens. All you should need is a few 2x4's a chicken wire or hardware cloth. Oh, I wish I had a barn! Every stall would be made into a coop for a differetn breed...I don't much care for horses:>)
This is what I have -

It is 8 x 4 and the run is 8 x 8.



Mine are in a kiddie pool w/ a baby gate around them, and netting over top. They run around the yard during the day (well, they stay close by) and in the evening we scoop 'em up and they go into the kiddie pool (inside our house). I really hope their coop/run gets finished by this weekend.. but this has worked for a temporary holding spot.
Corey NC - I love your signature; it's one of my favorite quotes. If I had rememberd it, I would have used it myself.

Good for you for using it!

Oh - and I love your pics; that's exactly what I need for my new chicks.
Corey I really like your idea.It's simple yet effective and I need to find something easy an inexpensive to separate some to get pure egg's.You just gave me an idea.

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