In need of some advice


6 Years
Oct 20, 2013
I am just about ready to bring my chickens outside, but am worried about their safety, as there are hawks in the area, and their run is too small for them to be in at all times. Should I expand the run and wait for them to grow up completely, or should I be alright letting them out as they are? Thanks in advance.
They will be in more danger from hawks before they are full size. We have hawks here but they never bother the adult hens. Of course, it depends on what type of hawk you have.

Perhaps you could go ahead and put them out now in the small run. Surely they will prefer being outside. Is the run really too small as a short term run while they are also still small? Maybe you could expand the run while they wait in the coop, perhaps working a few hours at a time. Really it depends on what your setup is.
Need details in descriptions. Breed, age, and size of chickens? What does the coop and run to be used look like? What does the area the birds will run about free-range look like with respect to area and cover?
I would agree with that. We also have hawks and eagles, and they have tried to come down on our chickens when they are free ranging. We keep our chickens in their enclosed pen attached to their chicken house unless we are in the general area allowing them to free range. If the predator is hungry enough, they will attempt a chicken of any size. They can also do some severe damage with their talons.

Better safe than sorry :).

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