In neighbors backyard

X2 on the buried wire. Boards buried on edge would work as well. I will add that mine have made dust bath pits in my run nearly as deep as the predator boards.
I have 8 birds. I have chain link fencing. They keep going under and finding new holes.

We have woven wire fence and yes, sometimes our birds find a way under. When that happens, we put a big rock under the fence at that spot. Sometimes we have to watch for a few days to see where they're getting out. Sooner or later, you'll find all the low spots and they'll stay in. It just takes diligence. Also, you are clipping wings, right?

We're lucky that we live in the country and our neighbors like chickens, so the aren't upset if ours get out. But *I* don't want the birds in my yard any more than I want them in my neighbor's yard. Chickens are amazingly destructive--they rip out seedlings, scratch mulch all over the grass, peck holes in tomatoes and squash, trample flowers... You have to do whatever you need to to keep them on your property.
The set up shown under my profile is a little out of date. My current chicken run is a 10 X 10 dog kennel. Its basically chain link fence that I added chicken wire to, in order to discourage predators from pulling my girls through the large chain link sections. Like you, my girls like digging near the edge of the fencing. I didn't want to spend the time digging trenches, so what I chose to do was use pressure treated 2 X 4's to create a platform at the edge of the fencing. I simply laid down the wood flat, in front of the fence and used one foot long metal rods to steak it into the ground so that they couldn't be moved. The girls need to dig down low enough to go under the wood, then dig eight inches horizontally to reach the fence line. So far, I have been able to fill in any holes before they reached it.

You could also use a one foot strip of chicken wire, unroll it flat on the ground and steak it in place. the girls wouldn't be able to dig in that. Same Idea, different materials

For those of you new to bird care. Clipping wings refers to trimming the flight feathers at the end of the birds wings. These are the feathers that provide lift. By shortening them, the bird is unable to fly at any real height.

they dont fly and they never will. i have no problem with them going over.

I have 8 birds. I have chain link fencing. They keep going under and finding new holes.

Then you need to add something around the lower portion of the fence to prevent them from squeezing out under it. Chickens are not geniuses; this isn't all that difficult a challenge. My chicken yard is fenced with plastic coated heavy gauge 1 inch hardware cloth. It is flush to the ground, so chickens cannot squeeze under, not even my bantams. They haven't gotten under it in the 5 or so years I've had the fence.

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