In neighbors backyard

You could also get some lanscaping stakes and stake down the fence between the posts - if they are 10 feet apart you will need to do this 2-3 places between the posts. In addition, the least expensive fix would be to lay a 1-2 feet of chicken wire or harware cloth flat on the ground along the fence, attached to the fence and staked down along the edges. If you apply it flush to the ground you can mow over it.
Fill that gap at the bottom of the fence with something they can't get under. We have a few similar spots and we use a piece of 4 x 4. A railroad tie or logs would do the same thing. Something - anything - up against the fence so they can't get under. At least do that as a temporary solution until you have the time to make a more permanent fix.
how was that a funny post??
I have a Houdini (sp??) hen.

I have 15 hens in a caged with out a covered top but it is about 10 feet high. I have golden comets, Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons. I have also clipped their wings... but this one hen keeps flying out someway, somehow. I have yet to SEE her but I have witnessed her attempts.. As a big fat RIR she should not be able to fly that high with clipped wings but somehow she does.. She wants to be free with my game chickens around the barn.. but I want her in the pen protected and laying where I want her to.. I have to try and catch her again this weekend.


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