In the lay box 9 hours. Is she having problems passing egg?


6 Years
Jun 23, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
One year old barbu de watermael hen. She's been like this for hours. It's late at night and she is still in the box. Not presenting any broody behaviors. She's is lethargic and limp when I pick her up. I can't feel anything close to her vent.


I put her on the roost pole and this is the posture she takes.


Am I being alarmist?
I would give her a human calcium citrate with vitamin D tablet in the back of her beak to swallow. Place her either back in the nest box or inside a dog crate in the coop. If you can offer some fluids with sugar or electrolytes, it could help. She might be egg bound or sick.
If she were my hen, and I were in your shoes, I probably would, but that’s me
They open in twenty more minutes and I can call. I took her out of the box and put her down. The flock left the coop but she stayed and watched them go. I picked her up again and brought her to the outdoors food and watering area the flock beelined to and put her with the others. She is eating chicken food with them.

Sorry that your later posts were during the night for me. In the picture, the dropping looks gelatinous, possibly like egg white. Glad that you could see a vet, but sorry that she has a reproductive infection. It is difficult to treat those. I am not familiar with quail, but antiboptic and meloxicam are pretty common to use in chickens. Let us know how she gets along.
Oh, I see, I thought she was a chicken originally. She may have had a egg break inside after being egg bound. They can have just an egg membrane, no shell. That would cause her to feel pretty weak and lifeless. Calcium can help to expel the egg. There could be another egg on it’s way. Sounds like your vet is helpful.
Xray showed a long egg of unusual size relative to her tiny body stuck sideways. They manipulated the egg out and have saved it for me. The xray also showed something happening to her lungs. We don't know if it is a respiratory infection, fluid, aspiration, or something else... she said the lungs show "white spotting"... she is awake and I can pick her up at 4. I'm to continue the medicines she is on for their full duration and get a new blood check in ten days.

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