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There are no snakes in the place where I live, and I do not understand anything about them at all. Only lizards live on our hills. In general, in the Moscow region there are snakes, there are harmless snakes, there are poisonous vipers, but in our area for more than twenty years I have not met a single snake. There are many lizards, frogs, toads, and no snakes. I don`t know why.
I looked in the internet, what we have anywhere near of my city
Simple snake (not poisonous, often the children take it as a pet like a parrots, hamsters, turtles or puppies):

viper (poisonous and dangerous):
Here is a lizzard, russian name is "yellow stomach" (zheltopuzik), english name i don`t know (i tried to use online translator, but it gived me only name of any illness, but no name of this "snake").

It seems this lizard has decided to become a snake and that she no longer needs legs. It feeds mainly on insects, and can also eat a young mouse or pick up a ripe apricot from the ground.

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