in this random rambling thread we post random pictures


After over a decade of sitting in a drawer, not working, my camera and its lenses were sent to a wonderful camera repair man in Florida and returned 10 days later fixed. SO different from the digital I've gotten used to in recent years. But, oh, the telephoto and the macro in that long lens. I've gone through a roll already since the mailman brought them home.
Vincent Van Gogh, a prolific letter writer, who expressed himself beautifully, wrote to his beloved brother, Theo, just two months before he died. The letter was never sent but in part, said:

'I feel a failure. That's about it as regards me. I feel that that's the fate I'm accepting and which won't change anymore.'
Quote: Yep, he died alone in the cold, hungry, suffocating/ drowning of pneumonia. And after he dies he eventually had the paintings that brought the highest prices in auction -EVER.

I have reared a great kid, so I know I am not a failure, but the exercise plan will definitely need to be re-calibrated for the new year. Perhaps I set my hurdles too high?
Quote: Yep, he died alone in the cold, hungry, suffocating/ drowning of pneumonia. And after he dies he eventually had the paintings that brought the highest prices in auction -EVER.
I thought it was generally accepted that he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound?

(A TARDIS and a Dalek - how cool is that?!!)
I will check, I had been told pneumonia, but 1/2 of what you see and none of what you hear.... yep suicide, maybe the art teacher just did not want us to glorify it.

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