Incomplete coop cooling issue

Ok, well being completely shaded, on top of a hill, fan in the window, bottles of ice strewn around - it peaked at about 90 in the coop.

Chickies did not seem overly distressed.

In fact, it was cooler in the coop than it was in my house! Help me I'm melting...
It's like with people. If you are trying to keep warm, a breeze is a Draft and is Bad. If OTOH you are already puh-lenty warm and would not mind a bit of cooling, a breeze is Nice

The windows can absolutely be fully open in hot weather (assuming they are predator-screened of course). If you are trying to use a fan to cool the coop it is probably more efficient to point the fan *outwards*. But if you are facing dangerously hot temperatures and are really trying to keep the chickens cool then I cannot see anything wrong with pointing a fan at them, as long as they have somewhere to get out of the way of the fan breeze if for any reason they want to.


I've been pointing the fan into the coop and putting a bottle of ice water in front of it. Not sure if that makes an appreciable difference but between that and the coop being in full shade 24/7, I have been able to keep the temps hovering around 90 instead of the 100 that it is elsewhere in the yard.

(Yes they can get out of the way if they want).

We are having a run-building party this weekend (beer, food, fire, and lots of concrete!). So I hope that they will be able to get out and about next week!
Agreed. Here is a shot of my 'coop'. While it's not hot in there I find my chickens waiting in line for their chance on their throne. See the picture. I've seen 2 silkies sitting on it at once....usually after they laid their eggs. I found these fans in a 2pack at Costco and they rotate to point upward. It helps circulate the air and gives the chickens a little 'boost' when they want it.

Thanks, thats' make total sense to me, I just wanted to check.

Now, the exterior trim is being painted with an oil-based paint (!) and I can smell the fumes in the coop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The windows are open and it is breezy so I'll just have to hope and pray that they are ok tonight in the coop. A friend of ours is painting it and I just found out about the paint!!! He's stopped for today to give the paint that's there a chance to "dry" and get it all aired out. It's the outside trim being painted-nothing on the inside.

Will these little worries ever end???? We just love our chickens!

I don't think the worries ever end.

I told my boss I had to work from home through the end of the heat wave to keep an eye on the chickens and replenish their ice supply so they don't over heat.

I think he thinks I am crazy.
Since your coop is really tall. You might want to put a window at the top front of the coop and put the fan up there. You have to remember that warm air rises. So if you want to get rid of the hot air in your coop it has to go out the top. You are taller than the chickens so remember to measure the temp at the floor. In the winter time my coop was warm to me standing up but it was 10 degrees cooler on the floor where the chickens were.

Drafts are what happen in the winter time when cold air rushes into a building while the warm air escapes. Think about someone opening the front door of your house in the winter time. And you are standing there waiting to greet them and you can feel the cold air come in. If you get chicks early like I do and you try and keep them at 90 degrees and you have 60 degree air outside you can chill a chick in no time if you let the drafts in. Most older chickens since they have all their feathers it doesn't seem to bother them as much.

But please thinK about putting in some roof vents or a window. Make sure it is something you can close in the winter time to keep the heat in.

Cheers and good luck.

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