Incubating and vibrations


11 Years
Feb 29, 2008
Cartersville, GA
I was planning on putting my new incubator in the laundry room but I am wondering if the vibration from the washing machine would damage the embryos - does any one know?
Thanks for the quick response - it would not be on top of them just to the side but we have a crawl space and when the washing machine goes through the spin cycle the floor vibrate quite a bit so I did not know if it would/could cause a problem.
well if it vibrates alot even at a distance or what not I might want to find a less jiggly place.
But I am new so Im shuresomeone else will know.
Disclaimer... I have never owned a washer or dryer so I dont know how much they jiggil in a home .
When in doubt don't. That is what I said when I was thinking the same thing. Our washer & dryer are out in our trailer house (we just use it for laundry and storage) and since the temp is more constant I thought perfect. Then I thought about the fact that I can see the sliding door shake when it goes through its spin and was worried. I deceided to play it safe and find somewhere else to put it.
This is a pretty old thread~ but I am wondering what happened with this? I have the same issue~ the best spot in my house for the incubator is on the mud room/laundry room counter BUT my washing machine does cause some vibration.
I have the incubator sitting on a folded up fleece blanket, in an effort to cushion some of vibration. Has anyone hatched eggies from a bator by a source of vibration???
I had mine in the laundry room, I even moved the bator back and forth to whichever machine wasn't running and I had an awful hatch. Next time I think I'm going to find a better spot.
Well... only 5 out of 42 hatched
The bator has now been moved to my bedroom (which is mainly jiggle-free
oh wow, sorry you had such a bad hatch. I had 2/12 on chicks and 5/10 on ducks, like I said I won't be keeping it in the laundry room again either.

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