incubating button quail'' HELP ''

OH good.
someone else incubating button quail... Drives me nuts I can't see in them.......mine are in reg turner.doing okay....only on day 4 here..... long long wait............ do keep us posted on how yours do !
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I just put my two batches in the new bator today. I made some little cups out of the foam egg carton cups. Cut them down, and slit it a bunch of times around so I could taper the size down and then taped it. I put a hole in the bottom so the air could still circulate. Then I did some with a piece of foam stuff that is very light and airy?? Just put a strip in each cup and put the egg in the middle. Never occurred to me to just put two eggs in each cup. Will try that next time. I set some seramas and they fit ok but the button quail are just too small.

I will try to post a pic later on.

Good luck.

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