Incubating eggs. Discolouration on air bubble


6 Years
Aug 16, 2013
Hiya guys. First time incubating!
I placed 18 eggs in an incubator and when candling at day 8 removed the clears and was left with 11 little eggs developing nicely.
I am now at day 12 and i have noticed that one of the eggs shells has started to discolour slightly around the air bubble edge. Its quite a light shelled egg (average colour to ehat you buy in the supermarkets) and its developing like greyish spots?
Any advice at all would be appreciated as i am worried about it. I have recandled at the dark area is larger so i think its still developing but im not sure what the discolouration mean! Thanks guys!
well I would not worry about it check your eggs again on day 18 check air cells and, make sure they are where they should be, and check the tip of the egg, if it is clear that egg may not hatch. keep it in with the others, but don't be suprised if it does not. if it were to hatch it might take that egg longer because it would need to absorb the fluid.
just to save you another visit- when you hear your first peeping in side the egg- it will be 24 hrs before that chick will make a hole out side the egg- then it will rest and be quiet- it doesn't need help it is absorbing yolk- then 24 hrs after the hole is made it will prob. hatch.
What do you mean by the tip being clear? Opposite end to the air bubble?
I am now at day 15 and have had to remove one that had stopped developing but the one in question as i candled it again tonight i saw movement so i know its doinf alright so far. I was going to candle again i was just going to move them into place on day 18 and leave them by. Do you think i should candle again? Thanks!
the air cell is in the round end. the pointy end of the egg in candling should not show light through it-clear liquid in the pointy end of the egg shows it is not developing correctly by day 18. it should be dark in all but the air cell. if it shows clear on the pointy, then the egg may be delayed or non-hatcher.
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