Incubating humidity question

Cardoza Farms

6 Years
Jul 14, 2013
Hello, I bought a hovabator a few weeks ago I have a dozen eggs in it right now, but my problem is I picked these eggs and places them in the incubator over the course of a week. I read that on the last few days of incubating I need to add more water to the 2nd tray, will this have a negative impact on my eggs that are 7 days behind the first couple of eggs?? Not sure what to do since this is my first batch, any advice would be appreciated thanks!!
I would wait until I see the first eggs start to hatch (look for pips) and then bump the humidity up to around 60%. Try and keep it around 60-70% during the hatches and reduce it in-between if you can. Good luck with the hatch!
Ok thanks, my eggs are set to start hatching on the 28th hope all goes well, I've been candling the eggs and everything is going good so far....

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