Incubating in my bra

I'm back! Who still has their eggs? Did anyone's egg die?

I'm candling tonight (day 3), so I'll update sometime after it gets dark around here.

@Magapoule is currently on lockdown for her egg to hatch. Candling shows that the egg is still alive. No internal or external pipping yet.
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Ninja nutter... There is no rule against calling yourself a word.📑
Hi guys!
So because of lockdown here I don’t have anything else to do than...incubating an egg in my bra 😆
I tried this spring, but all the eggs I tried with were infertile. Now, I know it is fertilized!
It’s a quail egg, I got my first blue one so I wanted to incubate it just for fun. I do have an incubator, but it’s just an experiment I want to do during lockdown/quarantine.
The egg is there for now almost 48h.Should hatch on January 24th-25th.
Will keep you guys updated! I candle it to see if he’s alive Sunday! Yay!!
I've been watching your thread since the beginning and decided to try this myself with a chicken egg I will be going on day four later this evening. Can't see anything yet as it's an olive egg so too dark. I'm waiting to candle on day 7/8 can't wait 😁🤞

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