Incubating in my bra

Sorry guys I won’t try again, at least not for now, it’s long, and now it’s nice to be able to sleep like I want.
My life is busy enough, school started again so I have things to do. If I ever get bored again one day I might do it again but for now no.
Even if it’s really tempting, 18 days is long as hell when you have to care about your movement and everything, working was hard and doing my chores was hard so no...And I can’t handle seeing another one dying when it was so close...
Understood here. I'm like 2 weeks behind on homework cause there's so much going on lately.
Okay, I have candled for day 5. I candled all of my quail eggs I candled all but one of my quail eggs (somehow missed one), so that I would have something to compare to my breggs. I'll want the experts to weigh in but I've got good news and bad news. Good news is, I think I see something in one of my breggs and some of the incubator eggs. Bad news...I think these poor guys had a rougher ride through the mail that initially suspected. One from the incubator was full of tiny cracks that I couldn't see without candling, another had a detached air cell, and a third appears to have been scrambled (much darker throughout than the rest). Upon carefully inspecting my breggs, one of them also has a detached air cell...whether that was caused by my jigglatiousness or mail handling, I don't know. But here are the pictures for y'all to review:

Reg. Egg #1
It's hard to see cause my camera sucks, but I'm pretty sure I see veins forming in this one.

Reg Egg #2
Cracks all over this poor egg.

Reg Egg #3
Appears to be developing as well.

Reg Egg #4
Couldn't really tell in this one. Lots of lines but may be from shell.

Reg Egg #5
Didn't really see anything in this one either. I'll give it some more time to be sure.

Reg Egg #6
Hard to see cause again, crappy camera, but you can kind of see the air cell edge towards the left side (darker line). It was freely moving around.

Reg Egg #7
Pretty sure this one was scrambled. Its shell is the same color as the rest but it's dark all the way through...

Reg Egg #8: ??? Looks like I forgot to candle one! Darnit. Hopefully it's doing ok.

Bregg #1
It's hard to see, but I'm pretty sure I see something in this one too. I'm going to keep them going.

Bregg #2
You can kind of see the air cell towards the left again, moving down (lighter line this time). It was moving freely inside the egg as well. :/ That means they're done, right? No point in keeping this egg going, is there?

Edited cause I committed the sin of using the wrong their/there/they're
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Sorry guys I won’t try again, at least not for now, it’s long, and now it’s nice to be able to sleep like I want.
My life is busy enough, school started again so I have things to do. If I ever get bored again one day I might do it again but for now no.
Even if it’s really tempting, 18 days is long as hell when you have to care about your movement and everything, working was hard and doing my chores was hard so no...And I can’t handle seeing another one dying when it was so close...
You gave it a helluva go. And 18 days is a LONG time standing still while working. Another 18 would be like time in the hole not an
I looked into it a bit more, and apparently detached air cell eggs can hatch but it's best to set them with the big end up entirely (not at a slant), and just turn them along that vertical what say you, people who know more about these things than I? Should I retire Bregg #2 to the incubator since it'd be impossible to keep them entirely upright (and unturnt) in my bracubator and just continue on with Bregg #1?

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