Incubating in my bra

We have that in common. But apparently I know better than to put a bunch of people in a crypt when the enemy can quite literally RAISE THE DEAD. #still angry

What are you talking about?

The final season never happened. The final season never happened. The final season never happened. The final season never happennnnneeeeeeeed
Yes- I checked the temp in the exact spot the egg was at. I was wearing a hoodie when I tried boobcubation too.
Wait, the temp was high enough yet the egg was cold. Was the egg incubated for more than a few days? Could it be that the egg did not have an active metabolism? I suddenly remembered that when candling eggs from under a broody hen, I noticed developing eggs feel *hot*, hotter than the hens skin. As if they were generating their own heat.
YUMMMMMMMM. I'm so hungry now! :drool
Oh gosh I want it all :lau
Me toooooo!!!!
Those Krispy Kreme donuts look sooooooo good!!!
Krispy Kremes are my FAVORITE!
Wait, what?
That's exactly what I just said to myself...
Denail is just a river in egypt here apparently
'Denail"? Is that like "the nail" but said sophisticated-ly? "De Nail". :lau
I'm tired, don't mind me. :gig

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