Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

Also am watching 7 eggs in my Nurture Right 360 that I had just got. I heard many good things about the incubator and I saw one on the shelf at TSC so I bought it. Hatch day is supposed to be 7/28. I have not nor will I candle any of them. Maybe after 7/31.....
I have two 360s, so I don’t know any different. I have a Brinsea in the box never used, but it only holds a few eggs.
Hi there! I think I was the one Paul emailed you about! Thanks for the advice on the shipped eggs. I’m on day 14 with Paul’s eggs and have 11 left (out of 22). I only have a couple with good air cells, the rest are still a little wobbly. I have hope though!

You are very welcome! I hope it helps even the tiniest bit. I have learned so much from this site and if I can pass any of it along to help someone else I try. I hope the remaining 11 do well for you :fl:jumpy
4 chicks so far, 1 still in there, not sure about it so I will just leave it in there. 3 olive eggers and 1 LA!! LA was last to hatch and is still drying with an OE. These OE’s are aggressive, they peck at everything. Lucky I have two bators going bc I separated the oldest two because the peck at the others as soon as they hatch. They are in the brooder now. The yellow chick is especially aggressive, helps zip eggs open because he pecks at everything that moves. I know nothing about OE’s is this typical?

This site is not allowing me to post photos right now. I might have to check my settings because it’s been like this a couple of days. Anyone else having a problem?

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