incubating questions


10 Years
Jan 15, 2010
East bay
Well I got my first order early yesterday, its going in today, and its a little nerve wracking.

I'm reading what the humidity should be at on several sites and its all over, everywhere from 35 - 65% what should it be set at? I have it at 40% right now, but its got a pump so its not hard to change.

The order came with extras -a whole lot of extras-, I managed most them in, is it ok to stack a few until I get a second incubator then move them over? (will be a few days) or would it impede the incubating of the others? Man I feel guilty if I cant give them a chance too, it would be a shame to toss them. The incubator is a suro 20 it has forced air and external cradle.
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When asking about humidity on here, you're going to have people tell you a range that is about as far apart as what you have already read elsewhere. Truth it, everybody seems to have better luck with different levels and methods. The goal is to have the humidity at a level that allows an egg to lose 12%-14% of its preincubation weight by day 21. The best thing to do is to expiriment until you have a good hatch rate. My first attempt I ran a low humidity(around 35%) and had terrible luck. Each hatch after that, I kept raising it a little more each time. I am currently running 55%-60% day 1 to 18, and 65% last three days. I can easily get 85% hatch rates now.

As far as the extras. I would let the smallest eggs set on top of the larger eggs. If you candle them in a week or so, you will most likely be removing some of the duds, making room for all the viable eggs. If your eggs were shipped, you will likely have some duds.

Hope this helps.
I agree with Bigred.

The humidity you need seems to depend on where you live, and I try to get eggs from a similar region, too.

I am embarrassed to say that I do not recognize your area so I cannot tell whether it is a humid area or not.

Our climate is pretty humid ATM, (we are over by Union city, CA) its pouring right now, the hygro I have in the room says 61%, but during the summer its warm and dry.
The incubator is keeping at 50%, I guess the heat drys it a bit.

I did manage to stack a few so there are 31 total in there, its pretty crowded. Only 1 didn't fit. I will candle in a week, you are right about duds, maybe I don't need a second one (but might not be bad to get one as backup)
Have you tested you hygrometer to make sure you are getting an accurate reading? Put 1/2 salt in cup, add 1/4 cup water. Put cup and hygrometer in zip lock bag and let it set 8-12 hours. You should get a reading of 75%. I hatch at 50% then last 3 days 65%. Good luck.
I havent tested the built in one, its a digital incubator (when you open it you can watch the temp drop and humidity change immediately, its seems pretty sensitive)

The hygro in the house is just a cheapo Chinese made one I bought on ebay (in use as as a desk clock) probably not worth trusting birds lives to though, guess thats one more thing to add to the shopping list.

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