Well I got my first order early yesterday, its going in today, and its a little nerve wracking.
I'm reading what the humidity should be at on several sites and its all over, everywhere from 35 - 65% what should it be set at? I have it at 40% right now, but its got a pump so its not hard to change.
The order came with extras -a whole lot of extras-, I managed most them in, is it ok to stack a few until I get a second incubator then move them over? (will be a few days) or would it impede the incubating of the others? Man I feel guilty if I cant give them a chance too, it would be a shame to toss them. The incubator is a suro 20 it has forced air and external cradle.
I'm reading what the humidity should be at on several sites and its all over, everywhere from 35 - 65% what should it be set at? I have it at 40% right now, but its got a pump so its not hard to change.
The order came with extras -a whole lot of extras-, I managed most them in, is it ok to stack a few until I get a second incubator then move them over? (will be a few days) or would it impede the incubating of the others? Man I feel guilty if I cant give them a chance too, it would be a shame to toss them. The incubator is a suro 20 it has forced air and external cradle.
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