INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Well fine than be that way.
Thanks Local and Chaos. My 3-yo upped the ante to 3 temper tantrums before 8 a.m. His keys not the way he wants them. Juice cup not where he wanted it. Not allowed to play with Daddy's keys.
In addition my 7 y.o. forgot how to do math halfway through his homework. My 6 y.o. is curled up in a ball on the couch with a severe tummy ache.

So, there's that.

Sally, it wasn't a set number. I've been aiming for that as a minimum, which has worked very well for blue and dark brown shelled eggs. The white eggs develop ok but then it's like they suddenly drop weight. I went by weight loss the last time as the air cells have been wonky and unreliable measures on shipped eggs. So, today is Day 2. I might do another check of air cells and do a weigh in today.
I haven't decided. I didn't put very much water in and it's already dry. I think it's running at 45 because of some ambient humidity.

Coffee intake started. Cartoons for the kids. A moment of peace. =less b#*#*y tao.
I went upstairs for a 2nd cup, but by the time I got there I forgot what I went for...CRS
Morning. Not yet. I'm waiting on one more power supply and I didn't bother playing with the other one again last night. Fresno said to ignore the yellow wire and just do red and black.
Fresno is smart. I believe the yellow wire is for the secondary voltage system from a pc's power supply. It's 5v and probably does the same as the red one it just doesn't spin the fan as fast. The mainboard decides which voltage to use based on the temperature of the components (CPU). Red and Black only will be fine. That's how I wired mine
Fresno is smart. I believe the yellow wire is for the secondary voltage system from a pc's power supply. It's 5v and probably does the same as the red one it just doesn't spin the fan as fast. The mainboard decides which voltage to use based on the temperature of the components (CPU). Red and Black only will be fine. That's how I wired mine
Thanks. So just cut the yellow wire short and put some electrical tape on the end of it?
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