INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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@Fire Ant Farm I've only had my honas since January, so I can't speak to the heat yet. But my breeder is from the New Orleans area, and she hasn't mentioned any trouble with heat. Her stock is GFF+EweCrazy, so mine are first generation out from there.

@Sally Sunshine thanks! I love them.

I see Why!
above is the outside brooder using the 55 gal drum, cut it down some, there is a temp fence and gate Installed a light on the top,
very cool!!!!

All 6 Pekin Ducks hatched with no problems and right on schedule. I also candled the duck eggs my Easter Egger is sitting on and 2 are infertile and 1 is developing quite nicely. Looks like it should hatch next week.
OH WOW!!!! GREAT HATCH!!!! Look how cute too!!!!

Quote: x22222222222222222222222222222222

All the way out.very clean hatch.
I sold my first chickens today! Sold the 4 that hatched from the toasted batch. My son cried, but I was happy!
Congratulations!!! It doesn't get any easier as far as I'm concerned. I sold 2 of my older chicks today. They were about 5 weeks old. For some reason, they were easier than the tiny week old chicks I usually sell. Cuteness factor?

I thought I killed my computer today. I was drinking a beer that apparently had been outside. Taking the last big swig, I ended up with a huge bug in my mouth and spit the whole mouthful out. The computer immediately shut down.
I unplugged it, took the keyboard out to hang to dry. when I put it back together all was well.
I think it was a bee but I haven't given it a good look because I keep thinking about it floating around in there the whole time I was drinking.
I'm glad your computer didn't die. But, you keys might end up a bit sticky. As my dad would say when I found things in my drinks "at least they didn't drink much". But I understand the total EWWWWW factor.
@ChickenCanoe I don't have them on any right now. They got save a chick for two weeks and then I quit, but I did give them some yogurt yesterday.

You can try to give them some human probiotic.
Try also to give them some organic un fiterd ACV.
And probiotic yogurt.
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Hi. I'm hoping someone can help with this.

After having a very difficult hatch (3/24) with a new Farm Innovators model, I used the advice here and calibrated my accurite digital hygrometer/thermometer, as well as a submersible glass bulb for temp - calibrated by the ice method. The accurite was off by 4 degrees (reading low) after the salt test and the separate thermometer was reading 2 degrees high.
I now am calibrating both of those to the new incubator's digital hygrometer/thermometer. These are my findings:

The glass thermometer( factoring for -2deg) and the incubator thermometer are pretty much spot on. The Accurite temp is close, however it took 3 hours to read that temp.
The problem is the hygrometer.
The Accurite hygrometer (factoring the +4) and the incubator hygrometer differ by 16 degrees.

Can this even be possible? What the heck?

If so, it is no wonder that my last hatch was so pitiful. The incubator hygrometer is reading 16 degrees low, which would mean that at lockdown, when I had it all the way up to peak of 75, it was actually at 91 pct humidity. Basically soaking wet. UGH. And throughout the first 17 days, when I thought my humidity was 40-55 (too high, I know), it was actually 56-71 pct.

I just want to verify with you that are experienced in calibration that this is first, possible, and second, that I have taken accurate steps to correct the readings.

Thank you in advance for your help.

so you have done the bag salt method on the hygros?

Yes, I did. Twice with the acurite hygrometer and twice with the incubator. Incubator is still 16% off. I have since ordered two analog hygros. They should be here tomorrow. The second time I did the salt test with the acurite, I put in a brand new battery. It read 5% low that time as oppossed to 4 low first time. I am thinking of emailing the Farm Innovators company and asking for either 1 a new incubator or 2 a professionally calibrated replacement hygrometer. I just don't think that they should be able to sell these for incubation when the percents are 16 off, knowing that those using them will never get a decent hatch rate.
you betcha Jill! even a video in here.....
Calibration is a MUST: HOW TO CALIBRATE post #9068


i dont have chickens, but i have crows
@Lernae Really>????? how cool!!! in the house or outdoors? I never heard of anyone having them!!! got pics? tell us about how you keep them when you get time!! Welcome to the thread!
@daxigait, google avian specific probiotics, or order the one that chickencanoe posted about, that looks like it might be good.

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