INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Altsteirer and egg color light brown.
How do they like the bucket nest boxes. Do you have a better picture of them?
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I just looked on the Missouri Veterans History Project website and I'm not listed yet but supposedly when I'm in the database you can see it. When the database is updated you should be able to hear the interview. I'll post the link when it is there. Better yet, I'll PM it to you. Too much personal information. This is what the interviews are like. Be careful not to put eggs under a hen that has been broody for 3 weeks or more. That's too bad. It is terrible and not fair but life isn't fair. One of your many life lessons. Vitamin E and selenium. Vitamin E is the cure but selenium has to be present for E to be utilized. It's a long season and perhaps too early to know what the true nature of these teams are. The Cardinals have done a complete flip flop. Last year they had the best pitching staff in baseball and the worst hitting. This year, pitching is struggling and they have the most potent offense. Will the real Cardinal team please step forward? Cards have the same pitchers as last year - except for John Lackey who went to the cubs. They had ridiculously low ERAs last year. Now, their ace has an ERA over 6. Snow would be strange at the end of May. We have uncharacteristic mid 40s F at night this week. This beats needing to run furnaces or air conditioners though. The broody is not the silkie? I'm waiting on my Christmas and January chicks to lay too. I think you are onto it. Even in my homemade cabinet, the temp swings are wide and rapid. My next build will be an incremental heat source and controller rather than an on/off system like most incubators. Inside egg temperature is what we're trying to achieve. So I don't worry about the swings as long as it doesn't stay high or low too long. Here's an aerial view of my raised beds shortly after they were built years ago. Here they are planted and prepped to be growout pens in late fall for meaties. Hoop pen finished and freedom rangers foraging.
hoop pen moved to the next bed after meaties left. hoop house and raised beds in winter Quote: It's all your fault. You started it. Could be. No way to tell until they hatch or don't. Chickens take 21 days. That is at the top of the eggs - not a random place in the incubator. Those are junk and WAAAY off. Most likely a thermometer issue. Eye abnormalities are almost always high incubator temperature during the first week. It is also possible that it was low oxygen during the same period. Don't sweat it. I'm sure I offend regularly. Life's too short to lose sleep over it. Sometimes I'm joking, sometimes not. They can be way off. Nothing you can get at a big box store is accurate enough for incubation. They are supposed to be within ±2°F but most aren't and even if they are - still not accurate enough. I use a brinsea spot check and this one. Right now, you can get 2 for $16. I've had aquarium thermometers that were off as well. Yep, those are junk. I have a thermometer that reads 78 F. Year round!!!!!
this may be a dumb question but do you know about lockdown? and increasing humidity and not turning anymore
I ask because i didn't when i first started, i didnt

what humidity were you running?
well I locked down on day 18 my humidity was between 60 and 70 sometimes it would rise higher then drop down to 40
How do they like the bucket nest boxes. Do you have a better picture of them?

My older hens LF use them all the time. This bunch is laying between the wall and the buckets. They have just started laying yesterday so they may still start using them but I haven't had straw in them yet as I wasn't sure when they'd start laying. Will put straw in this week end and see if they move to it. I will usually put their eggs into the buckets for them to get the idea
I'll take a better pic tonight. My broody has been using one of them for her nest in the other coop
Will they hatch early with the hen not getting of at all.with it 90 degrees here

It shouldn't matter unless ambient temperature is over 100F.

Temporary cool downs (hens leaving nest) don't really affect hatch date.

Under a broody hen, it should still be 21 days.

By the way, quit looking at the eggs under a broody hen.
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