INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Good morning, Squishy! Want something?
Hi everyone,
My name is Nell, and I have a few questions.
I have shipped eggs on day 14, of course some have saddle shaped aircells, and some have just down one long side(wonky?), then some with normal appearance.
(I followed all basic rules for settling, and not turning first 2 days to stabilize the air cells)
I have 2 incubators that can both be used as hatchers. (I have too many eggs to fit in brinsea for hatch)
1 brinsea octagon Eco, and 1 that I built myself with kit from incubator warehouse.
My first question is aircell size on these saddle shaped ones. It's really hard for me to visually gauge if they are way too big or not. I know the size it should be approx for normal aircells, but I have not found a "saddle shape cheat sheet chart". Would you take a look at the many pics I am posting and let me know in general if they are ok.

*** the white pencil mark on the dark eggs are day 14, and the white eggs just regular pencil***











** please also know that I realize that a few of the dark brown have too small of aircells, and I am trying to deal with that**
2nd question
I have read that it's best to hatch upright in cut down egg cartons.
I can do that no problem, but does anyone have pics of how far to cut them down? I do best visually seeing.
Someone else suggested toilet paper rolls cut down, however I would be worried that once hatch started they might be knocked over anyway by the others.
3rd question
Saddle shaped aircells with both dips about same? If leaning on egg carton, do I face both dips free of back carton?

Ok I hope I have not bombarded you all with too many questions.
Also I have read and read all the hatching 101 notes, and have hatched before, just usually hatch local eggs with less problems. However my daughter really wants polish chickens, and my husband wants his dark eggs!! :)
Thank you

Just looked at the pics of dark eggs and realized it's hard to see the white on some. Just FYI the dark pencil mark is about day 10 or 11 I think.
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I get it, alright; have for 43 years. I worked in Gaithersburg, MD; in the heart of the richest county, per capita, in the country at the time; concrete, traffic lights, and far too many people. 30 miles to the north was a whole 'nuther world.  I'd made up my mind that my kids would grow up knowing what a tree was without looking in a book. My daughter was once overheard telling one of her girlfriends how glad she was to have been raised in a country environment, rather than in the city somewhere. That made it all worth it for me. She actually woke up one morning telling us there'd been a cow mooing all night outside her bedroom window. She was right; I found the tracks.

These days she and her brother have both made their homes & raised their families in more urban surroundings, and it shows, in their children. Me, I wake up every morning to the sound of a rooster crowing outside my bedroom window, can still hear the cows, and find deer tracks year 'round on my own property...HEAVEN IS......
Good morning and amen. Suburbia gives me nightmares. I am only six miles out until I retire, if that ever happens, for winter work ease, but my twelve acres are space, my neighbors on two sides are cattle fields where you can't see anyone, and the other two live on six and ten acres. There are six honescon our dead end Lane and several are night workers so it is more secure.
Hi everyone,
My name is Nell, and I have a few questions.
I have shipped eggs on day 14, of course some have saddle shaped aircells, and some have just down one long side(wonky?), then some with normal appearance.
(I followed all basic rules for settling, and not turning first 2 days to stabilize the air cells)
I have 2 incubators that can both be used as hatchers. (I have too many eggs to fit in brinsea for hatch)
1 brinsea octagon Eco, and 1 that I built myself with kit from incubator warehouse.
My first question is aircell size on these saddle shaped ones. It's really hard for me to visually gauge if they are way too big or not. I know the size it should be approx for normal aircells, but I have not found a "saddle shape cheat sheet chart". Would you take a look at the many pics I am posting and let me know in general if they are ok.

*** the white pencil mark on the dark eggs are day 14, and the white eggs just regular pencil***

** please also know that I realize that a few of the dark brown have too small of aircells, and I am trying to deal with that**
2nd question
I have read that it's best to hatch upright in cut down egg cartons.
I can do that no problem, but does anyone have pics of how far to cut them down? I do best visually seeing.
Someone else suggested toilet paper rolls cut down, however I would be worried that once hatch started they might be knocked over anyway by the others.
3rd question
Saddle shaped aircells with both dips about same? If leaning on egg carton, do I face both dips free of back carton?

Ok I hope I have not bombarded you all with too many questions.
Also I have read and read all the hatching 101 notes, and have hatched before, just usually hatch local eggs with less problems. However my daughter really wants polish chickens, and my husband wants his dark eggs!!

Thank you

Hi! Glad you joined us!
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