Incubation and brooding!


5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
Central Washington State
Okay, this is our first try on home fertilized eggs!!! SO:

I have one hen that’s truly committed to being broody. Okay is her 4th or 5th. My other hen broke early, so she’s fired 😂 BUT, from her poor effort, I was able to break and check for viability, and 6 of her 7 eggs were viable!! All had developed the start of blood rings, so I didn’t feel bad at all about cracking them.

Tomorrow, I’m going to grab all the eggs laid and the preferred eggs from the day after and put them into our incubator. Can they just go directly in, or do they need any kind of rest before going in, like shipped eggs?

Also, the incubated chicks will be about 6 days behind the brooded ones. Is this an okay age gap, or should I also pull the currently brooding eggs and replace them with fresh ones? Will my hen have an internal alarm clock that won’t let her sit that long, or is it more likely that she’ll sit until the job is done? I know every hen is different, but I’m just wondering 👍🏼

Either way, we’re really excited to finally be trying for our own backyard blends! Our rooster is a high quality privately bred BCM, and we have a fun variety of breeds of hens. Please let me know what you guys would do in my shoes!!
They don't need to sit, they can go straight in the incubator. And I've had chickens sit for 35 days (a snake got in the coop and ate her eggs on day 10 so she had to start over).

If you put new chicks under her, she may reject them as not being her own or she may gladly accept more chicks. I'd put the younger eggs under her and the older ones in the incubator just incase she doesn't take to the new chicks. That way the old chicks and the new chicks can be slipped under her at the same time. This is just my opinion as others may do it differently.

Good luck on your hatch!

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