Incubation Chart

Thank You for taking the time to post this very useful information
Thanks so much for all the great info!

are the temps for still air incubators or the other (sorry i have only used still air
) ??? i am guessing the other? but no matter what you did an awsome job!
These are for forced air... increase the temps by about 2°F for still air.
I'll add that to the original post... thanks for catching that!
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

These are for forced air... increase the temps by about 2°F for still air.
I'll add that to the original post... thanks for catching that!

well, thanks! this chart really helps a bunch! great job!​
Um... yeah... that's it! I typed my poor little fingers down to nubbins, and now I'm typing with my toes!

Naw... I had it in a word document, so it was actually pretty easy to load up here. I tried the link that I originally got it from, and it's broken now. I'm glad I saved it!

As far as our nights... we're up to 7 hrs and 32 minutes (visible is 9 hours and 11 minutes) and gaining almost 5 minutes a day. Every 12 days or so we gain an hour until we have so much light we can't see stars for months.

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