Incubation period for buff orpingtins?


11 Years
Sep 3, 2008
east tn
Well, My friend and I are having a "disagreement"

You see he says that buff Orpingtons take 28-29 days to incubate, and I just can't fathom that! Is there any reason that they shouldn't hatch in 21 days?
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HA! so i was right! He was takling about the chickens.

He still insists that his chickens take 28 days! He's going to let me test them for him!
oh well he cannot be convinced, he's standing behind me right now!
When you have a broody hen, allow for a few extra days, as she may have continued to lay for a day or two after she began sitting. She will move them around, etc., so that they all hatch close to the same time.
Well I went out this morning and found a dead chick in the nest with my broody girl. I was going to move her to a more suitable area than the second level nest box in the coop. Unfortunately it was too late for this chick. It wasn't under but the shell was. I moved her right away to the side pen and made her comfy. One egg was cracked already and I could see the chick chipping at the hole. I could tell she was feeling it's movements under her, but when she moved back to look she pecked hard at the part that was moving. I saw blood and it scared me so I snatched it up before she could do more. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. The chick is in my kitchen under a light in a basket lined with a towel. It is now peeping quite a bit and moving around. I'm watching momma on the nest but staying back. I don't want to interfere but of course, don't want her to hurt the chicks. How foolish am I being, honestly. I can take it. There are 4 more eggs that were placed under the same day and 4 that were laid in that nest in the next several days after. Are hens frequently harmful to their chicks? DH says I should take them from her when they hatch and get them into the brooder. I was soo wanting to see one of my girls raise her own brood of chicks. I have another broody BO sitting on a nest but I've been taking her eggs. Not sure what to do here.

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