Incubation project 2011


9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
West "By God" Monroe, La
Ok.. I was looking around my shop the other day, and I ran across a thermostat. I didn't think too much of it, infact found two. I was cleaning and moving stuff around and ran across some really nice fans, a few 6 inch, couple of 8 inch, and a whopper 12 inch fan all A/C. I was going through a load of stuff and found some resistance wire used as heating elements for heat exchangers in storage keep from freezing.. and something snapped. I went and had to dig around and found the thermostats... Lowest temp is 100 degrees.. Hum.... read the paperwork on them and found out that they actually will go to 99 degrees. Fans... Wire... Thermostats... FOUND 3 remote thermoters... Before I get WAY to excited in making a super duper zippity doo da mondo incubator.. Has anyone ever used this thermostat before?


It is a Johnson Controls A19ABC-12C Temperature control This is a wet bulb style used in immersion wells.

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