Incubation question


Oct 4, 2023
I have 14 chicken eggs and two duck eggs in my incubator, will it affect my duck eggs if I take the egg turner out on the day I’m supposed to for the chicks?? Chicks are 21 days ducklings are 28
You should stop turning chicken eggs on day 18 but the duck eggs must continue the turning until day 25. If you stop automatic turning, at least turn them manually 4 or 5 times per day, lots more if possible.
I believe the biggest problem is the humidity loss during lockdown that you must continually open the incubator to turn the duck eggs. If you find a way to stop chicken eggs from turning but continue automatic turning for the ducks you will be fine

I put cord rope out to keep eggs from being soccer balls, and just rolling into incubator walls.

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