Incubation questions


CluckN'Crow Farm
11 Years
Aug 5, 2008
My husband has started to make a homemade incubator designed similar to Miss Prissy's and Speckledhen's concept. I have a few questions though. This will be our first incubation and we are going to try BO eggs and Jersey Giant crossed with BO. What I am wondering is the approximate temperature and humidity and at what stages. I have read quite a few things but haven't really come across large bird incubation temps and humidity. Also, should we check the incubator for a few days before adding eggs to make sure the temp is stable (that would make sense to me). Also, when should I candle them if at all. I know 99% of my eggs are fertile because everyone I use has the little "bullseye" on the yolk. Is candleing necessary, I just don't want to hinder the incubation process. Thanks for any insight you can give!!!

Thank you Miss Prissy and Speckledhen for the incubator concept!!
99.5 is the norm for all chicken eggs. Humidity is very hotly debated. I have been useing 14% the first 18 an 75% the last 3. The book says 50% an 60% I think. Many on here use 35% an 60%. I usually don't candle.
Thank you for that insight rebelcowboysnb. I love your hatching cam, very awesome. Are you hatching large or small birds or does it matter?
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Ok thank you very much!

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