Jul 26, 2016 #1 mare6567 In the Brooder Oct 9, 2015 11 0 22 NY Does this look like i might have twins?
Jul 26, 2016 #3 Pyxis Hatchi Wan Kenobi Project Manager Premium Feather Member 12 Years Mar 27, 2012 22,241 54,002 1,292 Vermont My Coop My Coop Yep, I'm seeing two embryos. That one's going to be hard - it might die before it reaches hatching, but if it does make it they will likely need help to hatch out.
Yep, I'm seeing two embryos. That one's going to be hard - it might die before it reaches hatching, but if it does make it they will likely need help to hatch out.
Jul 26, 2016 Thread starter #4 mare6567 In the Brooder Oct 9, 2015 11 0 22 NY Just in case, how do you help them?
Jul 26, 2016 #5 sumi Rest in Peace 1980-2020 Premium Feather Member Jun 28, 2011 39,162 27,283 1,302 Be prepared that they may not make it… Many double yolk incubation attempts fail, BUT there has been some successful ones as well, like this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...olk-hatched-video-p-16-13-week-pics-p-51/0_30 (Hatch video included in the thread)
Be prepared that they may not make it… Many double yolk incubation attempts fail, BUT there has been some successful ones as well, like this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...olk-hatched-video-p-16-13-week-pics-p-51/0_30 (Hatch video included in the thread)