Incubator eggs


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 7, 2013
We are staring to hatch some eggs layed by our barred rock hens. The roster is a cross between a road island red and a white leghorn. So far two have hatched. One that is black and one that is yellow. My question is Will these crossbred chicken be good layers and sitters?
They should be good layers, probably not going to go broody very often, but that's somewhat of an individual trait, thought certainly influenced by heredity.

Any black chicks should be black sex links, in that if they have a white spot on their head they are males and will be barred like their mothers. An black chicks without a white spot on their heads are pullets. The yellow ones can't be sexed like that.
So excited to see what they are has to post pictures. Going to start another batch on Monday . Hatching them for friends too

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